We Are Stanwood Camano

Buying Don’t Be A Flip! Don’t Be A Flip! I get asked by friends and family from other areas what they should do to sell their homes? They use terms like “We don’t want to give it away” and “This money really matters to us, so it is different than a typical home sale.” Their idea is to “save money” […]
Buying Market Insights: May 2024 May 2024 Market Insights May 2024: The recent increase in listings, the highest in over 1.5 years, is a positive sign for the real estate market, particularly during the spring selling season. This influx has pushed active inventory into the triple digits. Additionally, the market has seen the most sold listings since last August, further […]
Buying First-Time Home Buyers First-Time Home Buyers! As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the idea of the American Dream differs from person to person. However, in a recent Bankrate study, participants were asked which accomplishments best embodied the American Dream. According to the results, owning a home continues to rank highest for many Americans today (see […]
Buying Market Insights: April 2024 April 2024 Market Insights April 2024: “Although home sales are at a 30-year low as buyers face higher borrowing costs and stubbornly low inventory, housing options on the market are beginning to increase.” according to Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist.  That is clearly evident in our markets as inventories climb above 100 properties for the […]
Community Maximize Your PNW Waterfront Property for Summer Fun! Maximize Your PNW Waterfront Property for Summer Fun! In the Pacific Northwest we eagerly anticipate those coveted summer months when our region transforms into one of the most stunning places on the planet!  To maximize summer fun, consider some essential preparation, to make sure you are ready to fully enjoy the season.   Prep your […]
Buying Market Insights: March 2024 March 2024 Market Insights March 2024:  We are starting to see an up-tick of activity in the market, with more new properties being listed than we’ve seen since last spring.  While we are still in a seller’s market, we are seeing more activity than at the same time last year.  Pending sales in the month […]
Community Spring is Here … FINALLY! Spring is here … FINALLY! This is the most exciting day on the calendar for gardeners. Ready, set…let’s dig in the dirt. Spring is the time to get your hands back in the dirt and amend your gardens to ensure those seeds and plants have a perfect place to thrive and grow. You should see […]
Buying Market Insights: February 2024 February 2024 Market Insights February 2024:  Our Stanwood and Camano Island markets have remained slow over the past few months, which aligns with the typical seasonal patterns following the holiday season and winter weather. Interest rates continue to hover around 7%, which slows sellers’ willingness to give up their low mortgage rates and reduces buyers’ […]
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Buying Market Insights: January 2024 January 2024 Market Insights January 2024: Available inventory in our markets continues to decline due to typical seasonal patterns. Limited new listings are fueled by seller reluctance due to interest rates. They feel trapped with their low interest mortgages, limiting their ability to purchase the home that they want to purchase after they sell. Buyers […]
Community Adopt a Road, Adopt a Way of Life Adopt a Road, Adopt a Way of Life I was raised to never throw litter out the window of a moving car.  The consequence would be that my Dad or Mom would slam on the breaks of our wood-paneled station wagon “Bessie”, and we would have to jump out and retrieve whatever we were too […]
Community The 2024 Northwest Glass Quest The 2024 Northwest Glass Quest Written by Olivia Hanstad The Northwest Glass Quest is an annual event that takes place in the Stanwood and Camano Island area put on by the Camano Island Chamber of Commerce. What makes this event so special is its fusion of art and adventure, inviting participants on a treasure hunt […]
Community Camano Island Lending Libraries Camano Island Lending Libraries One thing that makes Camano Island such a desirable place to live is the kind-hearted individuals who give back to their community. From a wave as you walk by to the incredible efforts by our local Stanwood-Camano Food Bank – we are fortunate to be surrounded by people who support one […]
Buying Market Insights: December 2023 December 2023 Market Insights December 2023: December marked the lowest number of new listings for all of 2023 in both the Stanwood and Camano Island markets. As a result, active inventory is the lowest that it has been since April. Seasonal patterns typical of this time of year and low inventory resulted in the lowest […]
Buying Market Insights: November 2023 November 2023 Market Insights November 2023: The past weeks have seen gradual declines in interest rates. 30-year fixed mortgage rates have dropped over a point and a half over the past two months to just over 6.6% currently. Economists are predicting an additional drop in rates to 6% in the latter part of 2024. This […]
Buying Market Insights: October 2023 October 2023 Market Insights October 2023: In the past months, the purchasing power of potential home buyers has weakened further with rising interest rates and a continued lack of inventory, creating a slowdown in market activity. Active listings in our combined market have remained fairly steady over the past six months at just over 100 […]
Buying Market Insights: September 2023 August 2023 Market Insights September 2023: Home values are still holding strong with Average Sales prices at over $700,000 for our two zip codes. Additional home price gains are more challenging in the short term due to continued mortgage rate increases that limit prospective buyers’ purchasing power. The result is a continued decline in transaction volume in our current […]
Buying Market Insights: August 2023 August 2023 Market Insights August 2023: Pending sales on homes during August in our two markets were both up year over year from 2022. We had 29 listings find a buyer on Camano Island and 34 in Stanwood, versus 25 and 31 respectively last year. Other key metrics for August activity showed year-over-year declines, including […]
Buying Market Insights: July 2023 July 2023 Market Insights July 2023: Economists are predicting that mortgage interest rates will adjust down over the next couple of quarters. Predictions are that we will see rates fall below 6% in the 2nd quarter of 2024. When this happens, the housing market will be poised to grow again. The hope is that many […]
Buying Market Insights: June 2023 June 2023 Market Insights June 2023: the Stanwood and Camano Island area markets have seen our highest volume of closed sales last month (61 homes) in over nine months when we saw 81 homes sold in August 2022. The result, our current active listings are down 17% for the same time period as last year, […]
Buying Market Insights: May 2023 May 2023 Market Insights May 2023 in Stanwood and Camano Island, the current combined inventory is higher than it was at the same time last year, with a total of 105 active residential listings at the end of May 2023 as compared to 88 last May (a 19% year over year increase). Even with this, […]