Uncategorized August 29, 2019

Agent Spotlight: All In, For You

At Windermere, extraordinary is our ordinary. Every one of our agents understands how important your home is. Whether you’re buying a new home, selling a property or looking for someone to manage your rental property, we’ll take care of you. 


Here are three agents who know what it means to be all in, for you


Hans Ostrander

Hans is the type of agent who always gives 110 percent – he’s even been known to help sellers pack up their belongings, and he consistently receives the highest praise from his clients. 


One time, Hans was representing a seller who lived out of the area. His seller asked him to meet the septic service technician at the house, but the lid was buried. Hans grabbed a shovel and dug around with the technician for two hours trying to find the tank. When they finished, the technician laughed and said, “Never in all my years has a real estate agent helped me dig.” 


Michael Borthwick

Michael is our resident Property Management expert. He’s been in the business for almost a decade, and he believes it is his job to find qualified tenants for his landlords and take good care of them. 


On one occasion, Michael received a call from a tenant on the southend of Camano Island: water was gushing from an outside faucet and his wife was in labor. Michael immediately drove down to the property and assessed the situation. He turned off the water and called several plumbers in an effort to find an available one. He knew his tenant would need the water when they returned home with their newborn baby, and he didn’t want his client’s property to be seriously damaged so he made sure the leaking shutoff valve was repaired right then and there. 



Jeni and Andy Bottin

Jeni and Andy work together to help people find their slice of paradise on Camano Island. They make a commitment to each one of their clients to support them every step of the way, including on moving day. 


For one particular client, Jeni and Andy actually helped sell their home in another location and buy a home on Camano Island. The buyer was excited to pull everything together so Jeni arranged a storage unit for her client to use during the transition, and lined up a moving company to assist on the day of. Excellent agents through and through, Jeni and Andy wanted to be sensitive to their client’s needs and see it through to the end.